Bwa ha ha ha ha!
Amazing. Everything is solid. Graphics, sound, control, everything is even flow, man. This game is also hilarious, and it truly takes genius to make something funny without using dialogue.
Bwa ha ha ha ha!
Amazing. Everything is solid. Graphics, sound, control, everything is even flow, man. This game is also hilarious, and it truly takes genius to make something funny without using dialogue.
I wouldn´t call myself a genius but thanks :3
I just opened the game and minimized it...
The music was fantastic. Very aural...I felt very relaxed. Too bad the rest of this game is sub-par. Graphics were choppy and MS-Painty. Little interactivity. NO story! I love text-adventures with a passion, and this just didn't do much of anything for me.
You just have to stroke it harder.
Hmm. Very nice. Entertaining. I noticed some glitches, though. The first zombie I killed I shot about 10 times while he's lying there, even though you need only shoot him once and then it dies. Also, when you hit "d" quick you shoot, but when you hold it down for a bit, your sprite does a recoil reaction. I think you should tweak this, because the reaction is pretty neat. Try and change it so he recoils even with a short keystroke.
The recoil action happens...unintentionally. The bullet is actually part of the main character MC, so the wall hitTests are purposely ment to stop the MC from going anywhere, and thus leading to the coil reaction since the bullet also stops when it hits a wall. Complicated shit ya' know.
>: P
I think somewhere within the five minutes I played this "game" I might have been mildly entertained. Oh was just distracted from doing more important and amusing things, like cleaning the toilet or puking blood.
Remember kids. Don't forget to puke blood once after breakfast and once before you go to bed.
Chung chung. Chung chung. Magitek Armor!
Brew City, WI
Joined on 6/17/06